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I'm Ehmandah Ramsey, founder of she stories.


She Stories storytelling and wellness community was founded on the belief that sharing personal stories can be a powerful tool for improving mental health outcomes, particularly for women. We understand that many women struggle with feelings of isolation, shame, and self-doubt, and we aim to create a safe and supportive space where they can connect with others and feel validated and heard.

Our storytelling nights are held nationally, and provide a platform for women to share their stories with a supportive audience of other women, as well as a licensed therapist who is present to offer guidance and support. We believe that the act of sharing stories can be both healing and empowering, and we encourage women to share their experiences in a way that feels authentic and true to themselves.

In addition to our storytelling nights, we offer a range of other resources and services to support women's mental health and wellbeing. These include workshops on topics such as self-care, mindfulness, and stress management, as well as support groups that provide ongoing support and connection. Through several initiatives, we serve women in our community through collecting feminine hygiene products and more.

At our community, we are committed to creating a warm and welcoming environment that is inclusive and supportive of women of all backgrounds and experiences. We believe that by sharing personal stories and supporting each other's mental health and wellbeing, we can create a stronger and more resilient community for all.


Finding your voice and owning your story is a powerful and empowering process. As I reflect on my journey, I realize that it was through witnessing the testimonies of others, like Sis. Taylor, that I began to understand the significance of sharing our experiences. Their stories served as beacons of hope, reminding me that we are not alone in our struggles and that our journeys can inspire and uplift others.

However, finding my voice wasn't an easy path. Despite being surrounded by women who encouraged me to embrace my uniqueness, I found myself in a toxic domestic violence relationship. This experience left me shattered and silenced, feeling as though my light had been extinguished. I hid my pain, losing touch with my own story and the strength that resided within me.

But with time, I found the courage to remove myself from that harmful environment and begin the process of healing. I drew upon the affirmations and support of the women in my life, reminding myself of my worth and reclaiming my identity. Reconnecting with my support system, I rediscovered the woman I was meant to be, and my inner glow began to shine once more.

Through my own journey of overcoming domestic violence and navigating single motherhood, I felt a deep calling to share my story and offer support to others. In 2017, I founded She Stories, a sisterhood and community that empowers women to embrace their own stories. By sharing my experiences as a single mother and survivor, I became a living testament that it is possible to rise above adversity and thrive.

Finding my voice meant owning my story, not allowing the pain of the past to define me. It meant embracing my experiences, both the triumphs and the challenges, and using them as a source of inspiration and empowerment. Through She Stories, I provide a safe space for women to share their own journeys, to find solace in the collective support of the sisterhood, and to realize the power they hold within themselves.

Finding your voice and owning your story is a transformative process that allows you to reclaim your power, inspire others, and foster a sense of community. It begins by acknowledging the value of your experiences and the strength they carry. By sharing your story, you become a beacon of hope for others, reminding them that they too have the power to overcome and thrive.

Ehmandah Ramsey, Founder/CEO of She Stories

Your past can change someones future.
— Ehmandah Ramsey